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  •  » prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

#1 4.05.2023 12:05:41



status 1
GG? ni mom i nie bede mioł
Skąd: z getta
Zarejestrowany: 8.03.2007
Posty: 11926

prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

Coś takiego dostałem niedawno. Waszych kontaktów nikomu nie podaję, ale może ktoś chciałby do pana z NY coś napisać?

Adres jest taki: shmuel.kraus770@gmail.com


I will ask for your help:

I tried to register for the beautiful forum under your management,
But the attempt was unsuccessful.
The truth is that I don't think I have the talent and ability to add something important to the forum.
This is because I do not know enough about the subject, of course compared to the great talents who write in the forum.
The purpose of my attempt to register was to contact some of these writers, asking for help, to answer some questions I have about the buildings in the Warsaw ghetto.
In addition, unfortunately I do not read the Polish language, and I was helped by reading the forum in Google translation.
In any case, I will address this to you, with a request and hope that your goodwill will help me and answer my request:
Maybe it's not true and it's right to bother you, the manager, with simple questions like mine,
And therefore, could you direct and share my email to some of the very talented writers on the forum, if they could please write back to me by email to answer some of my wishes?
For example, the writer under the alias VCS-3
that I greatly admired his special talent in the way of analyzing pictures, maps, etc.
I also saw beautiful analyzes by the writer El_Jot
And surely you, who also know the other writers well, can direct my email to them as well, so that they can also answer my questions.
I thank you very much for the good will.
I'll write you an example of some of my wishes, I'm sure you'll judge me right, because as mentioned, I'm not as knowledgeable about the material as you are:
I searched and did not find a picture of a building at Nalewki 7.
It seems to me, from the maps I saw, that he was inside the ghetto border. Or right on the border. But I'm not sure about that.
I am interested in seeing a photo of old maps where this house is marked, its structure, how many floors, and how many yards.
Also, is it possible to know, according to old phone books, about certain families that lived in the building, on which floor, or on which side of the building, they lived?
Thank you very much!

Shmuel Kraus
New York

Rozczyn dzieł Marksa wlany w bydląt czaszki
Wytwarza z mózgiem przedziwną miksturę


#2 5.05.2023 15:17:15



Zarejestrowany: 13.11.2014
Posty: 125

Re: prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

Napisałem do pana Shmuela podając mu zdjęcie z warszawy1939.pl, liczbę osób ze spisu z 1941 r. i instrukcję do genealogyindexera. Dam znać jeśli będzie miał jakieś dalsze pytania.


#3 5.05.2023 19:10:01



Zarejestrowany: 1.04.2014
Posty: 1283

Re: prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

Z jakiegoś powodu pan Szmul nie może korzystać z mapy.
https://mapa.um.warszawa.pl/mapaApp1/ma … istoryczna
Czy ktoś zna rozwiązanie problemu?

Skąd wziąć spis lokatorów z 1941?


#4 6.05.2023 12:20:12



Zarejestrowany: 13.11.2014
Posty: 125

Re: prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

El_Jot napisał:

Skąd wziąć spis lokatorów z 1941?

Spisu lokatorów całego nie ma. Jest za to taki obszerniejszy zeszyt z wynikami spisu ludności (stan na 1.1.1941 r.) - tam wyliczono liczbę mieszkańców na każdej z posesji getta.
https://cbj.jhi.pl/documents/637392/0/ - tutaj skany tego dokumentu.


#5 6.05.2023 14:25:07



Zarejestrowany: 1.04.2014
Posty: 1283

Re: prośba z NY - Nalewki 7 i pewnie coś jeszcze

Dziękuję bardzo.


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